Smarter Way to Hire

Case Studies

Fast-Food Industry x SWTH

The overall turnover rate for the fast-food industry is between 130-150%. As an operating partner for the third-highest grossing restaurant franchise in the country, Chad Martin was faced with the challenge of how to screen and hire candidates for multiple Chick-fil-a locations year-round without sacrificing valuable time that should be spent managing or money on tools that didn’t produce quantifiable ROI.

Automated 75% of the
hiring process

Over 90% that complete
the process are hired

96% time savings on
time spent hiring

The Problem

As the operating partner for two Chick-fil-A locations, Chad Martin was spending 6-8 hours per week screening, interviewing, and hiring candidates. With the spring/summer season increasing both the number of openings and applicants, he needed a way to automate his hiring process to escape the direct exchange of hours spent on HR in return for positions filled.
Chad tried implementing a scannable QR code that directly linked to an online application, setting up group interviews, and even hiring a recruiting firm, but none of these solutions successfully minimized the hassle or time spent on the hiring process in a way that was meaningful and measurable.

The Solution

Chad was invited to be a part of the pilot group that tested Smarter Way To Hire. By investing a quarter of the weekly time he would normally allocate to HR just once, he was able to get onboarded to SWTH with:
  • Chick-fil-A’s unique terms and conditions uploaded.
  • Fully customized scripts set up for each position that asked the questions important to him.
  • A unique prompt created that would allow users to text ‘Hire Me’ to a number and begin completing their application via SMS messaging automatically.

The Results

By using SWTH’s text-to-hire system Chad was able to:
  • Reduce the time it took to hire a qualified candidate from 7-10 days on average to just 48 hours (70% decrease in hiring time).
  • Use video submissions to cut the number of interviews necessary to hire from 2 to 1.
  • Hire 90% of applicants that completed the process by weeding out unqualified candidates in the automated application process.
  • Transition from spending 6-8 hours a week on hiring to just 20 minutes (96% time savings).



Start hiring smart

Start a free trial of Smarter Way To Hire today.